Light ROM 1
LIGHT-ROM 1 (Amiga Library Services)(1994).iso
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This is disk 875 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library.
Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents.
ADoc A help utility for the Amiga. Features include automatic
search of any work on which you clicked, ability to use Auto-
Doc and AmigaGuide files, support of locale.library, an AREXX
port, and more. Version 3.01, an update to version 1.21 on
disk number 747. Binary only.
Author: Denis Gounelle
APrf A print utility with a full Intuition interface, a preview
function, page selection, line numbering, multi-columns mode,
customizable headers and footers, an AREXX port, an AppWindow,
and more. Includes both English and French versions. Version
2.11, an update to version 1.40 on disk number 747. Binary
Author: Denis Gounelle
AZap A "new generation" binary editor, able to edit files, memory
or devices like hard disks. It can open several windows at
the same time, supports locale.library, and handles all OS3.0
file systems. This is version 2.04, an update to version 1.00
on disk number 759. Binary only.
Author: Denis Gounelle
Blanker An attempt to provide the Amiga community with a future-
compatible, easily expandable screen blanker. Provides a
a platform for others to write custom screen blanker modules
and not have to worry about the difficulties associated with
setting up a Commodities interface and dealing with concur-
rency problems. Version 2.3, includes source and several
sample blanker modules.
Author: Michael D. Bayne
KillAGA Allows you to run old, badly written, programs (mainly demos
and some games) from your A1200/4000 hard disk without having
to continually reboot and switch chip settings. On return from
the program, the system returns to full AGA state. Version
2.0, binary only.
Author: Jolyon Ralph
SeekSpeed Measures the seek performance of any valid device. It works
by using the system's very accurate E clock and measures the
time taken for seeking and reading varying numbers of sectors
under both sequential and random access. Every test is per-
formed 100 times if possible, and the average reported. GUI
interface, can be run form the CLI or WB, Requires OS2.04+.
Version 37.12, binary only.
Author: Richard Waspe